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Our jobs

Put your skills to work on a mission that makes a difference.

Our jobs in the field - expatriate positions

Operations project management and leadership

Head of mission

Project coordinator


Donor relations

Donor relations manager

Donor relations coordinator

Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment and Learning (MEAL) Manager

Administration, Finance, and Human Resources

Financial coordinator

Human resources coordinator

Project administration manager

Mission accountant

Logistics and procurement

Logistics coordinator

Project logistics manager

Procurement manager

WASH Manager

Energy and building referent

Medical & paramedical

Medical coordinator

Deputy medical coordinator

Medical referent

Nursing manager

Sexual and reproductive health manager





Doctor/Attending physician

ALIMA Burkina Faso Epidemies et Maladies emergentes COVID 19 2020 Copyright Olympia de Maismont ALIMA Photos 52
Cameroun Makary Daniel Beloumou 2022 098

Our positions at ALIMA headquarters (Dakar - Paris - London - New York)

From time to time, ALIMA also has open positions at its operational headquarters in Dakar, its head office in Paris, or its offices in New York and London.

Headquarters positions are supporting roles in the following areas: medical, human resources, finance, communications, fundraising, logistics and procurement.

These positions require the ability to speak French and English, and often involve regular travel to the field.

Cover picture :  © Seyba Keita / ALIMA