
Mpox: DRC Mobilises for a Historic Vaccination Campaign


As the Mpox epidemic continues to spread in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hopes are turning to vaccination efforts. The DRC is set to launch a large-scale campaign, with doses coming from the United States, the European Union, and Japan. To date, more than 5,600 confirmed cases have been recorded in 2024, and the […]

Mpox Epidemic: What is ALIMA Doing?

Mpox Action ALIMA RDC

In response to the Mpox epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) has deployed a rapid and effective response to fight this health crisis. Working alongside a coalition of local and international partners, ALIMA’s strategy focuses on three key areas: providing medical care to patients, conducting epidemiological surveillance, and raising awareness within affected communities.

Mpox: 10 Key Questions to Understand the Epidemic

Mpox malade bebe RDC

Formerly known as monkeypox, Mpox is now a growing concern as it spreads beyond its endemic regions in Central and West Africa. This article addresses the 10 most frequently asked questions about Mpox, to help you better understand its symptoms, transmission methods, available treatments, and preventive measures.

Fighting the Mpox virus deep in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mpox 19 04 12 2023 ALIMA MONKEYPOX MANIEMA DRC 34795

“First one of my children fell ill, then another, then a third. Soon all my eight children were sick, with the same marks on their skin, and our neighbors started accusing us of witchcraft,” says Kasongo Kikumbe, a farmer from Kapongo village in the lush green forests of Maniema province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Alert – The deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

ALIMA RDC Epidemies et Maladies emergentes Ebola Malaria 2017 Copyright John Wessels ALIMA Photos 17

The organizations members of the International NGO Forum in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are raising an alarm over the sharp deterioration in the humanitarian situation they are witnessing in the east of the country. They are also alarmed by the reduction in humanitarian space due to the resurgence of deadly conflict violence and the militarization of the region, which is leading to a worrying worsening of the plight of affected populations.

ALIMA responds to new outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ebola en RDC

Dakar/Mbandaka – Medical humanitarian organization ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) is responding to a new outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Working alongside local health authorities, the organization plans to help manage the outbreak, drawing from its extensive experience responding to Ebola outbreaks in the region over the past years.