
From Africa to Ukraine: one year later, ALIMA continues its emergency medical aid in Ukrainian conflict zones

ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) est une ONG humanitaire médicale internationale basée à Dakar, au Sénégal, qui sauve des vies depuis plus de 13 ans lors de situations d’urgences et de crises sanitaires en Afrique. L’ambition d’ALIMA : transformer la médecine humanitaire en s’appuyant sur la recherche et l’innovation pour démultiplier l’efficacité de ses actions et mieux protéger les populations des crises sanitaires de demain. Depuis la création d’ALIMA en 2009, ce sont plus de 10 millions de patients dans 14 pays qui ont été́ soignés et plus de 30 projets de recherche qui ont été́ lancés - notamment sur la malnutrition, la santé maternelle et infantile, le paludisme, Ebola, la COVID-19. Une action récompensée par plusieurs prix internationaux.

ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) is a medical humanitarian organization based in Dakar, Senegal, that has been saving lives since 2009 in emergency situations in Africa.
ALIMA’s unique model focuses on building alliance and promoting collaboration between local health workers, national medical organizations, and researchers. ALIMA strives to transform humanitarian medicine by fostering research and innovation to improve care and help communities prepare for the future. ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients in 14 countries, and launched more than 30 research projects – notably on malnutrition, maternal and child health, malaria, Ebola and COVID-19. This work has won several international awards such as the Game-Changing Innovator REACH Award and the EU Health Award .

ALIMA in Ukraine: the challenges of opening an emergency mission

Ukraine intervention

A few weeks after the beginning of our activities in Ukraine, last April, we met Benoît Loop and Antoine Maillard who had returned from their mission there. They shared their stories of ALIMA’s action on site. After six weeks of intervention, the challenges were still numerous but some successes were already evident!