
ALIMA’s Charter

Charte bleu


ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and provide care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics. Its action is based on the alliance of organizations and individuals, working as close as possible to patients, to provide them with innovative, highquality medical care.

ALIMA is a non-profit association, owned by all who act on its behalf, and governed by democratically elected bodies.

We act with humanity and impartiality, respecting universal medical ethics and our environment. To reach patients, we are committed to act in a neutral and independent manner.

We respect and promote gender equality and diversity within ALIMA. We fight against all forms of abuse with regard to our patients, our collaborators and all the
actors with whom we interact.

Group 28


The patient is at the heart of all that we do.

As the field teams are in direct contact with the patients every day, we are obligated to them, and they are the object of our attention, our recognition and our consideration.

The supporting teams around them have a single objective: to create the conditions that enable the front-line staff to care for patients in a quick, efficient and accountable way.

Recherche et Innovation


Through medical research and the pursuit of innovation, we contribute to the improvement of medical quality in our projects, and we share our advances
with all humanitarian and medical practitioners.

We build scientific evidence, knowledge and operating procedures that allow our medical innovations to be adopted by others, to benefit the greatest number.



ALIMA commits to continuously question and improve its response through action, in particular its medical practices. We keep ourselves informed of the state of science.

We work in partnership with organizations or with persons whose expertise contributes to this improvement.

We adapt our qualitative expectations to our contexts of intervention and take into account the systematic evaluation of the care we provide to our patients.



Aware that our practices and activities are likely to deteriorate the quality of the environment in general, and in particular that of the patients and communities to which our action is addressed, we are committed to minimizing our ecological footprint.

Wherever possible, without compromising our humanitarian medical mission, we encourage sustainable, resilient practices and promote them to our partners.

We are accountable for our environmental impact and transparent about our progress.



ALIMA staff are free and responsible to undertake any collective action they believe to be in the best interests of patients, provided only that such actions meet all of our Principles and Values, set out in this Charter.

They refrain from making decisions that can be made in closer proximity to the patient.
ALIMA accepts taking measured and proportionate risks for the organization, as long as the intentions are positive and the decisions informed. We take responsibility for failures, as long as lessons are learned and give rise to the implementation of corrective actions.

Partenaires 1


We approach others with confidence, aware that everyone has qualities and skills, and aspire to give the best of themselves.

We respect all the persons who make up our environment: patients, their families, our colleagues and the work of our partners (e.g., governments, financial donors, research institutions, NGOs, civil society).

Gouvernance bleu


We are more intelligent together; Collaborating and sharing expertise with communities, our colleagues and our partners is thus essential to the realization
of our vision, and identifying the best solutions for our patients.

ALIMA thus insists on working in partnership, which allows it to accomplish its missions in an ever more efficient and effective manner.