
ALIMA’s Five Wishes for 2025

Each year brings a chance to envision a more united and resilient world. What are my five wishes for 2025?

Wish n°1

That innovation and research continue to revolutionise our responses to humanitarian crises.

Innovation enables us to provide more effective and appropriate solutions, whether through new treatments, medical protocols, or tools. It also means rethinking our approaches, such as better integrating local communities or adopting more eco-friendly practices. To maximise our impact, innovation also means strengthening partnerships with researchers, humanitarian organisations, and local actors.

Wish n°2

That “simplified approaches” to tackle acute malnutrition finally be officially recognised and widely applied.

Simplifying the current therapeutic approach, so that all children with acute malnutrition, regardless of its severity, receive adequate care, is effective on the ground. The formal adoption of “simplified approaches” by governments and international institutions could save thousands more lives. These approaches reduce costs, increase access to treatment, and empower local caregivers, creating a more resilient model for health systems as well as families.

Wish n°3

That ALIMA expands its humanitarian expertise to new countries while strengthening local capacities.

Local actors play a crucial role in effectively managing crises within their communities. We believe that sharing our knowledge and capacities, training caregivers, and strengthening local infrastructure are key to sustainable humanitarian impact. Our goal is to work hand in hand with these partners to create resilient solutions adapted to each context.

Wish n°4

That all international humanitarian organisations, like ALIMA, be more committed to fighting climate change.

ALIMA is already engaged in initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, and I call on other organisations to follow this path. We must rethink our intervention methods, reduce the use of fossil resources, and promote environmentally friendly humanitarian practices. Protecting the planet also means protecting vulnerable populations, who are most affected by its consequences.

Wish n°5

That global humanitarian assistance budgets are not only maintained but also increased.

With the growing number of humanitarian crises, it is crucial that global aid budgets are maintained or even increased. Consistent and sufficient funding allows us not only to address immediate emergencies but also to invest in long-term solutions that can truly change the paradigm.

These wishes are not just ideas, they are achievable goals if all actors, particularly from the public and private sectors, take responsibility, as well as donors, whose support is essential to us. Together, we can build a more just and sustainable future.

May 2025 be a year of hope, transformation, and solidarity

Dr. Moumouni KINDA
Chief Executive Officer of ALIMA