Operational partners
Strong partnerships with local NGOs and research institutions.
Local NGO partners
To make our actions sustainable, it is necessary to establish long-term relationships with local and national partners. Six national NGO partners, BEFEN, AMCP, Keoogo, SOS Médecins, Alerte Sante and DEMTOU Humanitaire are represented on the Board of Directors of ALIMA.

BEFEN: Well-being of Women and Children in Niger (Niger)
BEFEN is an organization dedicated to maternal and child health in Niger. ALIMA and BEFEN work with health authorities to reduce mortality among children under five years, particularly by providing care for malnourished children.

KEOOGO (Burkina Faso)
KEOOGO is a national association providing protection services to children in vulnerable situations. With SOS Médecins-BF, they provide emergency medico-nutritional care to populations affected by the humanitarian crisis in the North, North-Central and Sahel regions.

SOS Médecins-BF (Burkina Faso)
SOS Médecins Burkina Faso is a national medical association specializing in responding to medical emergencies, in the management of HIV/AIDS and in the provision of health care in prisons. With KEOOGO, they provide emergency medical and nutritional care to populations affected by the humanitarian crisis in the Northern, Central-Northern and Sahel regions.

AMCP-SP: Medical Alliance against Malaria – Population Health (Mali)
AMCP-SP is a Malian NGO dedicated to making health care more accessible and reducing mortality. ALIMA works with AMCP-SP to provide nutritional assistance as well as to fight malaria and help pregnant women.

Alerte Santé (Chad)
Alerte Santé is a national organization under Chadian law that promotes public health in the country by providing medical assistance and support to local health structures. Alerte Santé is committed to contributing to the improvement of health coverage and accessibility to quality care. Our partnership includes a medical and nutritional program for children under five in the Lake region and in the capital, N’Djamena.

DEMTOU Humanitaire
DEMTOU Humanitaire is a non-profit humanitarian organization under Cameroonian law. DEMTOU Humanitaire’s mission is to fight for a more humane world through four areas of action: Health/Nutrition, Early Recovery, Food Security, and WASH. The NGO is currently present in seven of the ten regions of Cameroon, with headquarters in Yaoundé, including two joint offices (ALIMA/DEMTOU) in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon.
Partners in medical research
By sharing resources and know-how, ALIMA and its partners are increasing access to care for communities at risk and expanding humanitarian medical response capacity in some of the most challenging contexts in the world.
ALIMA works hand-in-hand with a network of local and national medical organizations to provide life-saving care to some of the world’s most neglected communities. By sharing skills, resources and local knowledge, ALIMA gains a deeper understanding of the contexts where they work. This helps improve the acceptance and impact of their programs. ALIMA’s medical research priorities are determined by the network and benefit further from partnerships with international organizations and academic research institutions.
An independent medical NGO, ALIMA has made medical research one of the spearheads of its fight to transform humanitarian medicine. Member of the ALERRT and CORAL research platforms, ALIMA values partnership to advance the state of medical research in the field.