Women’s health
Vital support for mothers’ health.
Approximately 830 women die every day worldwide due to complications related to pregnancy or childbirth. Nearly all maternal deaths (99%) occur in developing countries, with more than half in sub-Saharan Africa (source WHO 2019). In ALIMA’s countries of intervention, each year, millions of births take place at home without medical assistance.
Most complications arise during pregnancy and could be prevented or treated. Other pre-existing conditions might also worsen at this time, especially if they are not addressed. The main complications, which account for 75% of all maternal deaths, are: severe hemorrhage; infections; hypertension during pregnancy; complications during childbirth; and unsafe abortion. Other causes of complications are associated with diseases such as malaria and HIV during pregnancy.
women die every day worldwide from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth
deliveries managed by ALIMA on average per year from 2019 to 2021
ALIMA's response
In order to reduce maternal mortality in areas affected by conflict and humanitarian emergencies, ALIMA cares for women throughout their pregnancy through prenatal and postnatal consultations, and accompanies them during childbirth.
ALIMA’s medical teams support health centers and hospitals in their areas of intervention to provide quality maternal health care. They provide prenatal consultations, and assist with simple and complicated deliveries, including caesarean sections. ALIMA’s midwives offer family planning services and home visits to provide follow-up for mothers and their babies. Training is provided to health care providers (nurses, doctors, midwives) and to the community, including traditional birth attendants. The reproductive health programme has grown significantly in recent years, from less than 30,000 to nearly 40,000 assisted deliveries per year (38,000 deliveries per year on average from 2019 to 2021).
Our activities
Support to health centers
ALIMA supports local health center staff, enabling them to provide quality care.
Prenatal consultations
ALIMA teams provide prenatal and postnatal consultations to ensure better care for pregnant and lactating women.
Family planning services and home visits
ALIMA’s midwives offer family planning services and home visits to provide follow-up for mothers and their babies.
Training is provided to health care providers (nurses, doctors, midwives) and to the community, including traditional birth attendants.
Testimony of Nadège Karo, Midwife in the Central African Republic
On the ground
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