
ALIMA Cameroun Sante Maternelle et Infantile 2024 DanielBeloumou Photos 33 2

Women in Cameroon Travelling Miles to Secure Healthcare Access for Their Communities

Access to healthcare is a challenge in Cameroon’s North-West and South-West (NWSW) anglophone regions, which have been in conflict since 2017. Insecurity, inadequate health facilities, and the great distances between villages and medical centers are obstacles for communities to access quality care. In this difficult context, women, known as community relays, tirelessly travel kilometers every day with a single goal: to raise awareness in their communities about the vital healthcare services provided by ALIMA and its local partner DEMTOU Humanitaire since 2020.

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My adventure at ALIMA

I joined the ALIMA team in January 2024. A month and a half later, I was lucky enough to go on a mission to Mali and then to Burkina Faso. Despite my fatigue, and spurred by my passion for storytelling, I continued my journey across the Senegal River into Mauritania. In just a few weeks, I was able to get to the heart of our work. Instead of just key figures on paper, I saw people. Beyond funding, I found the real support that my colleagues provide. And in place of logical frameworks, I saw landscapes, villages, and towns.