My adventure at ALIMA
I joined the ALIMA team in January 2024. A month and a half later, I was lucky enough to go on a mission to Mali and then to Burkina Faso. Despite my fatigue, and spurred by my passion for storytelling, I continued my journey across the Senegal River into Mauritania. In just a few weeks, I was able to get to the heart of our work. Instead of just key figures on paper, I saw people. Beyond funding, I found the real support that my colleagues provide. And in place of logical frameworks, I saw landscapes, villages, and towns.
“Light Mothers” Leading the Fight Against Child Malnutrition in Bamako’s Displacement Camps
Amid Mali’s worsening security situation, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) is on the rise. ALIMA, alongside its Malian partner Medical Alliance Against Malaria-Population Health (AMCP-SP), is working in IDP camps in the country’s capital of Bamako to provide essential care to the most vulnerable communities.
Mali : «A woman should not die when giving life»
In the Dire and Goundam districts, in Northern Mali’s Timbuktu Region, ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) and AMCP (Medical Alliance Against Malaria) have teams working in support of the Ministry of Health to care for the most vulnerable populations. This includes children but also pregnant women.