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Monthly donation

A gift that makes a huge difference

By becoming a monthly donor, you are not changing the life of just one person, but of many. Your monthly donations can cover the cost of health care for  several children from birth to the age of three, or provide extensive vaccination in the event of an outbreak.

What is a monthly donation ?

  • €15 per month : a severely malnourished child can be hospitalized in an emergency.
  • €20 per month : One can provide medical care for a mother and her child for one month. 
  • €50 per month : 50 mothers in the Sahel can be trained in the early detectiondiagnosis of malnutrition in their children.
  •  : permet de former 50 mamans du Sahel par mois au diagnostic précoce de la malnutrition chez leurs enfants
As a recognized nonprofit , ALIMA allows you to claim a reduction on your tax bill equivalent to 75% of the value of the donation, to a maximum of 1,000 euros per year. Beyond that amount, the reduction is of 66% of the value of the donation, up to a limit of 20% of your total taxable income. 


In concrete terms, this means that a monthly support of €10 is equivalent to €3.40 after tax reduction, i.e. €40 per year.

The impact for your donations

Your monthly support allows us to strengthen our capacity for action on several levels:


  • It provides us with financial stability, making it possible for us to think about our actions outside of emergencies. 
  • It enables us to act in some of the most disadvantaged areas of the world,and to treat and train populations and medical personnel, in partnership with local actors.
  • It ensures our financial independence and allows us to draw attention to crises that are not well known to the public.

With 10, 15 or €20 per month, you will have the power to change destinies and have a lasting impact.

Pour vous les donateurs

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Pour les patients