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Start of program: 2020

Country key figure:

16.74 million inhabitants¹

73,987 total confirmed cases of COVID-19²

ALIMA’s key figure:

COVID-19 epidemic response:

122 confirmed COVID-19 patients cared for

20,348 persons screened at COVID-19 triage centers

Areas of intervention:

Outbreak response

Country context

In January 2020, ALIMA began its response to the COVID-19 epidemic in Senegal. Our teams supported the Senegalese Ministry of Health in staff training, prevention and medical care. When the first cases were declared in the country in March 2020, ALIMA was already prepared to receive patients at the Fann Hospital, in Dakar. Our response focused on the triage of patients, their care and the implementation of measures for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC).

ALIMA has prepared a response to  the COVID-19 epidemic in all its countries of intervention. In Senegal, our NGO has been working with the Ministry of Health since the first detection  of the COVID-19 virus in the country.

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© John Wessels / ALIMA

ALIMA’s Impact – Our fieldwork

Support to health structures

ALIMA provides support to the Yeumbeul health district, 20 kilometers north of Dakar, where transmission of the disease is high. ALIMA supports the district hospital and 10 health centers, helping them  improve access to primary health care for people vulnerable to COVID-19, improve diagnosis, and treat confirmed cases.

Starting in September, ALIMA also studied the community dynamics of 147 neighborhoods in the Yeumbeul health district to involve them in identifying vulnerable people and raising awareness of  the risks of the disease. Community leaders were identified, placing trust at the heart of the outreach strategy to inform and care for populations affected by the disease.

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© John Wessels / ALIMA

Focus on 2020

In 2020, ALIMA provided care for 122 confirmed COVID-19 patients and conducted 3,000 free and essential primary consultations to fight COVID-19.

ALIMA’s support to the 24-bed COVID-19 treatment center in Yeumbeul, enabled the training of health center staff, implementation of IPC measures, and the rehabilitation of facilities (triage areas, waste areas with incinerators and laundry).

© Sylvain Cherkaoui / ALIMA

Cover picture © Patrick Meinhardt / ALIMA

¹ World bank

² Reuters december2021

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