“The Head of Mission is the leader of our field activities”

Caroline Dulinge, head of Human Resources Development for ALIMA, explains the objectives of the PITCH sessions, which will be held in Dakar from April 10 – 14, 2017.

N’ZEREKORE, March 8, 2017 – More than 1,500 children have been infected with measles in Guinea since January. The Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of measles on February 8. The outbreak is now affecting 17 health prefectures in Guinea. N’zerekore, in the southeastern forest region, is the most affected prefecture, with 513 cases reported between January 1 and March 2.
Back from the field: Dr Bing

Dr. Abdul Bing is a Doctor at ALIMA. She comes back from a five month mission in Tchad, where she has worked on reducing child mortality in N’Djamena, the country’s capital. (Video in French)

Conakry, March 17, 2016 – ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) today reopened its emergency Ebola treatment center in N’Zérékoré, Guinea, to admit two confirmed Ebola patients. ALIMA reopened the Ebola treatment center for confirmed and suspected cases in N’Zérékoré in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
Mali: More than 84,000 children protected against malaria

As part of its ongoing strategy to combat malaria in Mali, ALIMA and its Malian partner Alliance Médicale Contre le Paludisme (Medical Alliance Against Malaria, or AMCP) has completed, in collaboration with health authorities, a Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC) campaign, in two districts of the Koulikoro region, where malaria is the leading cause of death among children under five years of age.
Burkina Faso: End of the emergency response to dengue
When Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Health asked for help responding to an outbreak of dengue fever, ALIMA and its partners, SOS Médecins Burkina and KEOOGO, began supporting the government-led response on November 18, in three hospitals in the capital, Ouagadougou, where the majority of cases were concentrated.
The outbreak now appears to be slowing, but some 2,500 people contracted dengue fever between August and December and at least 20 died. This is the largest dengue outbreak ever reported in the country. The last flare up of the disease was back in 2013.
Here we speak with Doctor Fatoumata Mabeye Sidikou, the coordinator for the consortium’s emergency dengue project in Burkina Faso.
End of Rift valley fever response in northern Niger

DAKAR/NIAMEY, February 10, 2017 – ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) closed its Rift Valley Fever treatment center on January 31. An outbreak of Rift Valley Fever had been affecting northern Niger since August 2016. No new cases of the disease have been reported since the first week of January.