THE CUBE: Dr. Richard Kojan, President of ALIMA, receives the REACH Game Changing Innovator Award

On November 19, Dr. Richard Kojan, President of ALIMA, was announced the winner of the “Game Changing Innovator” award for the creation of the CUBE (Biosecure Emergency Care Unit for Outbreaks). This award, presented at the REACH (Recognizing Excellence Around Champions of Health) Awards, was announced at the Reaching the Last Mile Forum in Abu Dhabi and presented by Bill Gates.
ALIMA’s CUBE honored by the French Presidential Council for Africa
ALIMA’s CUBE (a Biosecure Emergency Care Unit) has been highlighted in the most recent publication of “Carnets de Santé en Afrique,” a series of portraits of innovative medical initiatives launched in 2019 by the French Presidential Council for Africa* and the NGO Action Santé Mondiale.**
AIRE Project: Improving the Identification of Respiratory Distress in Children

Launched in July 2019, a new initiative funded by Unitaid aims to improve access to diagnostic tools for seriously ill children. In order to improve primary health care and reduce child mortality, Unitaid supports the AIRE project – Improving the Identification of Respiratory Distress in Children led by ALIMA, and the TIMCI project – Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness led by PATH*.
ALIMA’s CUBE in the spotlight at WHO’s 72nd World Health Assembly
By invitation of the World Health Organisation (WHO), ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) has the honor of presenting the CUBE (a Biosecure Emergency Care Unit for Outbreaks) this week at the Palace of Nations, within the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, during the 72nd World Health Assembly.
Mapping malnutrition treatment coverage with mobile technology
It’s just a few minutes past 6am, but already more than two-dozen community health agents from the ALIMA/SOS Médecins/Keoogo consortium have gathered in the courtyard of ALIMA’s office in Burkina Faso’s Yako Health District. Just as the sun comes up, and after finishing a warm glass of tea on a chilly morning, they get onto their motorbikes and set out in teams of two or three for their different destinations of the day.
Their goal: go from house-to-house in more than 30 villages to survey families, using mobile tablets, about their use of the MUAC tape and to determine the proportion of children under five who are suffering from malnutrition in the area that have and have not received care.
Guinea: the results from the study of favipiravir for treatment against ebola prove to be nuanced

Dakar/ Paris, March 3 2016. Yesterday, the journal PLOS Medicine published “encouraging but nuanced” conclusions on the trials for the Favipiravir treatment against the Ebola virus. According to ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action), although the efficacy of the treatment was not proven for Ebola cases with a high viremia, the information collected over the course of the trial remain of great interest for research and for health care systems.
South Sudan: Mobile clinics respond to malaria peak

Early each morning, medical teams from ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) load up a small truck with lifesaving medications and supplies, and drive as long as two hours into remote communities in South Sudan’s Aweil State, to provide primary health care to local populations. The biggest concern at the moment: malaria.
Niger: Doctors assist nomads at the edge of the desert

Dakar, June 07, 2017: In northern Niger’s department of Tchintabaraden, medical teams from ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) and its Nigerian partner BEFEN (“Bien-Être des Femmes et des Enfants au Niger”) provide medical and surgical care to nomadic populations.
A charity run for ALIMA

ALIMA isn’t just about doctors who intervene in Africa. There are also people who decide to get involved in their own way, and at their own level, to support the projects. Anne Aël Inisan decided to run the Paris half-marathon this year wearing the colors of ALIMA. She is the first to have achieved the goal of […]
Clinical trial on Ebola in Guinea

ALIMA conducted a clinical trial on Ebola in Guinea. Watch the video.