
“You have the power to end the need for humanitarians” (Africa CEO Forum)


As economic and political leaders gear up for the 2024 Africa CEO Forum in Kigali, Dr. Moumouni Kinda, Executive Director of the NGO ALIMA, issues an urgent call to rethink the continent’s priorities. This forum presents an opportunity to discuss not only digital transformation and artificial intelligence but, more importantly, sustainable human development. With nearly 150 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa reliant on humanitarian aid, the urgency is clear. Dr. Kinda urges decision-makers to invest in health and well-being to boost economic development and ensure Africa’s global competitiveness.

Conflict and Hunger in Sudan: an NGO call to action

Soudan du Sud © Patrick Meinhardt ALIMA 11

The conflict in Sudan has already created the world’s largest displacement crisis. Now fighting, displacement and lack of humanitarian access to the most vulnerable population places millions at risk of sliding into emergency levels of acute food insecurity and malnutrition. As humanitarian organisations working in Sudan, we are making a call to action about the […]

In Haiti, access to health care has become a privilege

En Haïti, « l’accès aux soins est devenu un privilège pour les habitants »

Given the magnitude of the health needs in Haiti, ALIMA works on the ground to provide healthcare to the most vulnerable populations in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, the island’s capital. It is one of the few international medical NGOs working in the area.

Burkina Faso: Train health workers to better respond to humanitarian disasters

Emergency response in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, the health system is under severe strain as a result of the volatile security situation. In the Center-North region, three-quarters of health facilities are closed due to insecurity. ALIMA and its local partners, KEOOGO and SOS Médecins Burkina Faso, have trained local health workers to better prepare for the influx of patients into the few health centers still operating, which are often overwhelmed by unexpected and even recurring disasters.

In Niger, 45 NGOs call for support to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Niger


On July 26, 2023, Niger’s National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (Conseil national pour la sauvegarde de la patrie, CNSP) announced that it had overthrown incumbent President Mohamed Bazoum and his government. In response, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) introduced sanctions, and their effects are already being felt. ALIMA and 44 other NGOs working closely with the local population are calling on the international community to “preserve Nigerien people’s access to basic social services and humanitarian assistance.” They propose three urgent steps to take.

Alert – The deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

ALIMA RDC Epidemies et Maladies emergentes Ebola Malaria 2017 Copyright John Wessels ALIMA Photos 17

The organizations members of the International NGO Forum in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are raising an alarm over the sharp deterioration in the humanitarian situation they are witnessing in the east of the country. They are also alarmed by the reduction in humanitarian space due to the resurgence of deadly conflict violence and the militarization of the region, which is leading to a worrying worsening of the plight of affected populations.

ALIMA in Ukraine: the challenges of opening an emergency mission

Ukraine intervention

A few weeks after the beginning of our activities in Ukraine, last April, we met Benoît Loop and Antoine Maillard who had returned from their mission there. They shared their stories of ALIMA’s action on site. After six weeks of intervention, the challenges were still numerous but some successes were already evident!