
The New Humanitarians: medical NGO ALIMA raises 1.1 million euros from major donors, corporations and foundations in one evening

Press release

Throughout a unique fundraising event entitled “The New Generation of Humanitarians”, major donors, corporations and foundations contributed 1.1 million euros to three Funds created to respond to key challenges in ALIMA’s countries of intervention: Emergency response, Research and Innovation, and Humanitarian Talent Development.

The evening, which took place on December 7 in Paris, Dakar and New York, marked the end of an initial fundraising campaign designed to finance the strategic actions that are underfunded by institutional donors.

A highly successful campaign thanks to the significant mobilization of the Europe, North America and Africa campaign committees as well as the ALIMA Foundation

ALIMA can close this campaign having reached its 10 million euros target thanks to the high level of mobilization of its ambassadors and three campaign committees: the Europe committee (co-chaired by Serge Morelli and Tidjane Dème), the Africa committee (co-chaired by Madjiguène Sock and Tidjane Dème) and the United States committee (co-chaired by Pierre Crémieux and Elya Tagar) and in partnership with the ALIMA Foundation (chaired by Anne-Marie Idrac).

Serge Morelli, co-chair of the Europe Committee, said: “Achieving our goal of raising 10 million euros in private donations over five years, demonstrates the strength of ALIMA’s approach. The commitment of many major donors over three continents to a unique model for transforming humanitarian medicine will encourage our teams in the field to intensify their efforts to serve the most vulnerable African populations.”

The creation in 2017 of the three Funds – Emergency response, Research and Innovation, and Humanitarian Talent Development – occurred in a context of increasing humanitarian needs in the countries where ALIMA works on the front lines.

Tidjane Deme, Co-Chair of the Africa Committee added: “Since 2017, our three Funds have had exceptional impact: each private donation has leveraged 10 times the funds raised from institutions

Anne-Marie Idrac, president of the ALIMA Foundation, welcomed the mobilization of donors to support the organization’s approach: “We must continue to support ALIMA and its unique ecosystem, particularly in providing support to researchers and in training the next generation of humanitarians in the field. ”

In 2021, thanks to new investments and the uniqueness of its model based on an alliance of doctors, researchers and local partners, the medical humanitarian NGO has, among other achievements, vaccinated 350,000 people against Covid-19, cared for 85,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition, conducted 13 research projects and provided technical training to 70 humanitarian workers.

Having raised 10 million euros between 2017 and 2021, ALIMA has announced it plans to launch a new campaign in 2022 to raise 25 million euros by 2025, and thus continue to save lives and improve the humanitarian situation in Africa.

Media Contacts

Sébastien Rouichi-Gallot, 06 64 51 25 56,
Marion Rajaonah, 06 74 26 56 43,


ALIMA (The Alliance for International Medical Action) is a medical humanitarian NGO established in 2009 to provide quality health care to the most vulnerable people in high-mortality areas during emergencies and crises. ALIMA relies on an operational model based on partnerships with national humanitarian actors and local communities, and has established itself as a key player in the medical humanitarian field in Africa. ALIMA’s ambition is to revolutionize emergency medical aid and transform humanitarian medicine, by conducting research and fostering innovation to strengthen the impact of humanitarian actions. In 12 years, ALIMA has treated more than seven million patients in 14 countries, and launched more than 30 research projects, with a focus on malnutrition, malaria, the Ebola Virus Disease, COVID-19 and Lassa fever.

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Mélanie Blond Communication Director

Mélanie Blond

Communication director

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